Chadderton Day 2024
May 2024
Chadderton Day 2023
May 2024
Lets relive last years Chadderton Day in this epic video, produced by Glyn Ford.
Nile Mill
April 2024
Here is a video that has been produced by Glyn Ford regarding the Nile Mill Project.
Chadderton Day 2022
Foxdenton Hall Update
Feb 2022
Nile Mill, Fields New Road, Chadderton
October 2021
Foxdenton hall update
Sept 2021
We Need your Help!
July 2021
Chadderton Day 2021
June 2021
Chadderton Christmas lights Switch on.. Live.. Not Live
24th November 2020
Lydia's Tearoom
21st November 2020
Chadderton Together is appealing for your help.
Once again the Foxdenton Pavilion, soon to be Lydia’s Tearoom, has been targeted by vandals. On Thursday evening several youths were spotted attempting to climb on the roof of the building. Fortunately a vigilant resident spotted them and informed the council’s emergency First Response team. They were on the scene very quickly which meant the vandals did not have time to cause any damage but ran off.
The building is now very well protected by heavy metal shutters and steel gates but still seems to be a target. We would be very grateful if you could inform the Police or OMBC First Response team if you see anyone acting suspiciously in the park or vicinity of the Pavilion.
We are pleased to say that the repairs to the fire damage caused by the last bout of vandalism are going well. The electricity supply is being installed and so we hope that Lydia’s Tearoom will open in Spring 2021.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Once again the Foxdenton Pavilion, soon to be Lydia’s Tearoom, has been targeted by vandals. On Thursday evening several youths were spotted attempting to climb on the roof of the building. Fortunately a vigilant resident spotted them and informed the council’s emergency First Response team. They were on the scene very quickly which meant the vandals did not have time to cause any damage but ran off.
The building is now very well protected by heavy metal shutters and steel gates but still seems to be a target. We would be very grateful if you could inform the Police or OMBC First Response team if you see anyone acting suspiciously in the park or vicinity of the Pavilion.
We are pleased to say that the repairs to the fire damage caused by the last bout of vandalism are going well. The electricity supply is being installed and so we hope that Lydia’s Tearoom will open in Spring 2021.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Statement regarding Lydia's Tearoom
15th October 2020
Lydia's Tearoom update
23rd March 2020
Event Cancelled
15th March 2020
Appeal for Volunteers
6th Feb 2019
Work has now begun on the complete refurbishment of the pavilion behind Foxdenton Hall which over the years has deteriorated into a very poor and unusable condition. This important building will be completely transformed over the coming weeks and when reopened in late spring/early summer 2019 will be named Lydia's Tearoom after Lydia Becker an early suffragette and scientist who, for a time, lived at Foxdenton Hall.
Facilities at the tearoom will include new toilets, hot and cold drinks and various snacks and nibbles. We anticipate that local community groups and visitors to the park will want to use these completely new facilities.
Chadderton Together are appealing for volunteers to help to run the tearoom which will initially have limited opening hours until an ongoing and permanent operation is established. Can you help?
If you fancy being a volunteer at Lydia's Tearoom or would like to know more then come along to our meeting on Wednesday 13th February 7.30pm at Mills Hill Baptist Church, Mills Hill Road, Chadderton. We will explain in more detail what will be happening and members of Chadderton Together will be there to answer any question.
The project will present a great way to meet new friends, socialise and to be a part of such a worthy venture. The tearoom is being set up by Chadderton Together as a service to the wider community and will be a not for profit venture.
If you are unable to attend the meeting please fill in the form on our volunteers page and we'll be in touch. The page can be found here
Work has now begun on the complete refurbishment of the pavilion behind Foxdenton Hall which over the years has deteriorated into a very poor and unusable condition. This important building will be completely transformed over the coming weeks and when reopened in late spring/early summer 2019 will be named Lydia's Tearoom after Lydia Becker an early suffragette and scientist who, for a time, lived at Foxdenton Hall.
Facilities at the tearoom will include new toilets, hot and cold drinks and various snacks and nibbles. We anticipate that local community groups and visitors to the park will want to use these completely new facilities.
Chadderton Together are appealing for volunteers to help to run the tearoom which will initially have limited opening hours until an ongoing and permanent operation is established. Can you help?
If you fancy being a volunteer at Lydia's Tearoom or would like to know more then come along to our meeting on Wednesday 13th February 7.30pm at Mills Hill Baptist Church, Mills Hill Road, Chadderton. We will explain in more detail what will be happening and members of Chadderton Together will be there to answer any question.
The project will present a great way to meet new friends, socialise and to be a part of such a worthy venture. The tearoom is being set up by Chadderton Together as a service to the wider community and will be a not for profit venture.
If you are unable to attend the meeting please fill in the form on our volunteers page and we'll be in touch. The page can be found here
Chadderton Together Episode 2 News
That's Manchester
Chadderton Together was proudly represented on the TV by Wendy Cockram and Janet McLaren, That's Manchester News heard about the poppies outside the town hall and we were the main headliner on Friday 9th November 2018.
Please take a look at the report below.
Please take a look at the report below.
We Remember
Tuesday, 06th November 2018
The flower bed outside Chadderton Town Hall has been transformed to commemorate 100 years since the end of the First World War.
Volunteers from Chadderton Together, Chadderton Historical Society, Oldham Council’s Environmental Services team and seven local schools have joined forces to produce this wonderful floral display which includes a giant poppy. The poppy consists of 1,200 small poppies made by the children of Christ Church Primary School, St. Luke’s Primary School, St. Herbert’s Primary School, Burnley Brow Primary School, Mills Hill Primary School, Whitegate End Primary School and Firwood Manor School. The flower bed was prepared by the Environmental Services team and then – in a special planting session – children from the schools came along to help volunteers from the two organisations. Councillor Arooj Shah, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services, said: “This type of community spirit should be commended and recognised across the borough. “It is lovely to see schools, council employees and volunteers from community organisations come together to remember those who lost their lives as a result of conflict. “The flower bed looks lovely and I hope lots of residents get to see it over the coming days.” Janet McLaren, Chadderton Together member and creator of the Poppy Project, said: “We would like to say a big thank you to the pupils and staff of all the schools who helped to make this project such a success and Wendy Cockram who originally came up with the idea. “Thanks also to the Oldham Council Environmental Services team who prepared the flower bed. It was a real joint effort.” These types of activities assist local children in their learning about this significant event as well as other conflicts. For more information on the events and remembrance services happening across the borough in time for remembrance Sunday, visit |
July 2018
Chadderton Together Episode 1 News
Chadderton Day 2018
Save Foxdenton Hall Campaign has reached a significant turning point
17th May 2018
By Bridget Batty The Save Foxdenton Hall Campaign has reached a significant turning point as local community group Chadderton Together receive a £50K grant from Viridor Credits Environmental Company toward the refurbishment of the Pavilion. This grant money will be match funded by Oldham Council and used to renovate the pavilion. Housing a café, much-needed toilets and a place for local groups to meet, it is envisaged that the pavilion will be brought back to life by the people of Chadderton and those who visit the gem of a park it sits in. Rev John Simmons Chair of Chadderton Together said, “We are absolutely delighted with this news! Hopefully, we may see the resurrection of the bowling club when the facility is up and running as well”. “It has taken a while to achieve but the hard work that has been going on behind the scenes by a group of dedicated people has come to fruition. We would like to thank consultant Peter Rowlinson who has steered our group, local councillor Colin McLaren who has worked tirelessly on our behalf and to the architects Lloyd Evans and building contractors Pritchard and Lichfield who will be carrying out the work.” Oldham has the most Grade II-listed buildings in Greater Manchester, outside Manchester itself. Foxdenton Hall is the only Grade II listed building in Chadderton and because of its beauty, its setting and its history a real asset to the community. Gareth Williams, Operations Manager at Viridor Credits, said: “Congratulations to the people of Chadderton on securing the award through the Landfill Communities Fund. At Viridor Credits, we were delighted to support this important community facility and we look forward to seeing the finished renovation.” There is still much fund raising to be done as our ultimate goal is the restoration of the much loved Grade II* Listed Foxdenton Hall. Rev John Simmons adds, “There is one final piece of the jigsaw that remains to be found before work can finally begin on the pavilion. The Viridor Credits grant will meet the costs of all the major work, except the installation of a new kitchen for which we are appealing for help from local business.” The Grade II listed building has fallen into disrepair having been closed to the public for several years due to safety reasons. Local historians and community groups keen to save this beautiful manor house need to enlist the help of the public through Chadderton Together in order to save Oldham’s heritage Article can be read at;
About Manchester |
Music in the Park (Saturday 19th May 2018)
Music in the park is to be held on Saturday 19th May in Foxdenton Park, it will be 11am until 4pm.
Update on Foxdenton Hall and Pavilion (click to view) (updated: July 2017)
Chadderton Day 2017 (Click to View)
Oldham Chronicle's article about Chadderton Day and the Civil War battle re-enactment